Why Choose Quartz over Granite?

Why Choose Quartz over Granite?

Although quartz may be more expensive than granite, the benefits that quartz gives are far more substantial in the long term of your home!

Stain Resistant: Quartz is a non-porous surface this means it is resistant to stains such as wine, coffee, makeup, etc. This is especially helpful when you have children who spill a lot! This means, quartz is easier to clean and less work for you when its time to clean!

February 20, 2023
How does Lighting affect us?

How does Lighting affect us?

Lighting can affect us in many ways and it varies from person to person because we are all different and unique!

In my opinion, as this is a blog, lighting can affect us in many ways but these are the three, I have used most often when lighting a space. ↓

February 09, 2023
Designer vs. Decorator

Designer vs. Decorator

Think of your kitchen and your cooking a big meal for your family or spouse.

Everything is almost done but oh no! You forgot to cut the onions and they need to be fried! Here is what a designer would say ↓

"To make this problem as functional as possible I suggest implementing a cutting board hidden in the cabinet just above the trashcan for easy cleaning and access to your stove." 

February 09, 2023